Shoes are important things that we cannot do without in our daily life. There many metal hardware for shoes, the effects are different. Nice metal hardware will make your shoes look unique and charming. Those item is fit for sandal/leather shoes/Sports Shoes/snow shoes/EVENING SHOES and so on.
Eyelet. Eyelet is a small hole (usually round and finished around the edges) in cloth or leather for the passage of a cord or hook or bar. Through the middle of the eyelet, the shoelaces can be fixed on the shoes more conveniently, reduce the damage of the shoelaces to the fabric of the shoes, and make the shoes more beautiful and durable. Such as canvas shoes, there are usually two holes with eyelet on the side of the shoe to make the shoe more breathable. Pin buckle. Pin buckle for belt strap, adjust strap’s length. Make shoes more fit feet, walk more comfortable and confident. Based on different design, the Pin buckle can custom in different shape and color, most famous color is Light gold color and nickle color.Metal ring. Metal ring in shoes is usually for decoration, Designers use their imagination to bring different shapes to shoes. Triangle buckle/square bukle/D buckle is also a good choice too.
What’s more, for shose, we recommend to use zin alloy metal hardware instead of iron metal hardware. Zin alloy metal hardware will never rust, is very fit for shoes.